Tuesday 16 May 2017

Splish - Splash - Splosh : Trans Chemerong-Berembun-Langsir (CBL) 3D2N Camping Trip

“Who said hiking is boring? Who said hiking is no fun? Who said hiking is all sweaty and smelly?” 

Whoever said so certainly hadn’t been to CBL. CBL, short for Chemerong-Berembun-Langsir is a popular hiking destination in Dungun, Terengganu. Entering through Hutan Lipur Chemerong, this trail brings us to the peak of Gunung Berembun, Langsir Waterfall and Chemerong Waterfall. Unlike other hike that I’ve done previously, the selling point of this place is not the view at the summit, it’s certainly not the challenging trek, it’s not the height of the mountain, but the beautiful crystal-clear water of the waterfalls, and Bangan river. Duped the Jiuzhaigou of Malaysia, CBL is no doubt one of the most beautiful hiking destination in Malaysia. I haven’t been to many hikes to conclude this but it certainly tops my list. 

36 hikers for this CBL trip

Organised by Night Ranger, this hike was planned last year October, after our return from Gunung Tahan (read about it here). Meant to accommodate 24 hikers, the event was almost fully registered in a couple of hours. I wasn’t so interested initially but after some persuading by the Tahan hikers, I finally sign up for a spot before it was full. Like me, MJ had no idea what this place is all about and decided not to join. However, the event was then extended to 36 people and when some people bailed out due to scheduling conflict, MJ scored a place after being persuaded to join in the fun.