Wednesday 24 January 2018

Lit by Mah Sing: Arts & Lights @ Icon City

What is Arts & Lights

Called Arts & Lights, which is quite self-explanatory, it is an art exhibition featuring lights installations and colourful pop-up art. Dubbed the Malaysia’s first interactive pop-up art and technology experience (which I kind of doubt so), this exhibition is organised by Mah Sing Group. Most Malaysian would know what Mah Sing is, but for those of you foreign readers who didn’t, Mah Sing Group is a Malaysian-listed real estate developer with notable projects around Klang Valley, Penang and Johor Bahru. 

So why is a real estate company suddenly organising an art exhibition? Set within the space of 3000 sq m in Icon City, one can easily guess that it’s a marketing strategy by the group to advertise their properties. As if it’s not obvious enough, the exhibition are divided into different rooms named after their properties. Think: Southville, Ventura, Meridin, Vertica, Vista and D’sara. Sounds familiar? There are even properties models placed next to the queue. 

I personally think it’s a smart move by the marketing team. Have to give it to them. If you have never heard of those properties before, now you have. And I bet, you will start to pay slightly more attention to the group’s properties from now on.

Monday 1 January 2018

2017: An Over-Ambitious Year

Year 2017 is about to come to an end, and we are just a couple of days away from a brand new year. A new year means another 365 days to catch up to my dreams, another 365 days to achieve new goals for the year, and to re-achieve old ones I’ve yet to fulfil. But before we started sketching new goals, here’s a throwback to what I’ve achieved (and what not) throughout Year 2017.