Thursday, 1 September 2016

About Catchingtravels

Catching . Travels
Cat . Ching . Travels
Catherine Ching Travels

Born in Kuala Lumpur but raised in Raub, Pahang, Catherine Ching was your typical small town girl who had only seen the world through television and textbooks. Like many other young kids of her generation, her goal in life was to study hard, graduate with a degree, get a high-paying job, settle down, and retire with enough fund to last her through retirement. Oh, how mundane!

We are not born to pay bills and die

That changed when she took a short break from her crazy working schedule to climb Mount Kinabalu in 2014. Realising she had tied herself down with her job as an auditor and not seeing the world out of her cubicle, she decided to quit her job as an auditor in a Big 4 Audit Firm and joined an oil & gas company. In 2015, she traveled solo to Yogyakarta, Indonesia for the first time, and had since then truly addicted to backpacking. 

The world is like a book, those who do not travel reads only one page

Currently residing in Singapore, Catherine juggles between her full time job as a group accountant and travelling several times a year. Sometimes in between her busy schedule, she hikes the mountains and waterfalls in Malaysia or explores the urban city of Singapore.

Dreamt of being a writer since young, she had always wanted to start a travel blog as a way of living her passion while documenting her travel and hiking adventures, in hope of someday being able to publish her own book.  The blog, Catchingtravels was created in August 2016 following her trip to Mount Rinjani in Indonesia, where she was encouraged by her friends to share her travel stories.

Fill your life with adventures not things. Have stories to tell not stuffs to show

With a full time job in hand, prompt publishing of her travel stories is not guaranteed, but readers are sure to find useful information from her detailed sharing of travel costs, locations, tips and recommendations. 

To find her on other social media platforms:


For sponsors, invitation for collaborations, or freeing her from her full time job (just kidding!) or any enquiries, please contact her at

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